Zendaya Appears to Address Those Pregnancy Rumors on Instagram

 Breaking: Those Zendaya pregnancy rumors are false.

If we as a society could achieve one thing this month, it should be leaving Zendaya alone. Hasn’t she earned the right to look fabulous and do a little acting without everyone making up random stories about her? Please? Anyway, she’s not pregnant! 

But let’s get into the dumb and convoluted way this rumor got started in the first place. Apparently one of the more mid trends on TikTok right now is getting “Krissed” (as in Kris Jenner‚, where a user makes a video that includes a made-up rumor, but the end of the video is a clip of Kris Jenner. It’s a little like getting RickRolled, or tricked into watching something you didn’t mean to watch, and also—this is just my interpretation here—I think it speaks to the fact that Jenner herself is sort of a rumor machine manipulator. If you think this trend is stupid, that’s because it is. Anyway, you have to watch the whole thing to get to that reveal, and if you've ever scrolled an FYP, you know that’s not what everyone does.

Apparently, a “Krissed” video about Zendaya being pregnant was posted (per Newsweek; I couldn't find the original TikTok), and the joke rumor that Zendaya, who is currently dating her Spider-Man costar Tom Holland, was pregnant made its way over to Twitter, where people dropped the #Krissed #Kontext and interpreted it as actual gossip.


Twitter content

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Would this be an invasion of privacy if a Zendaya pregnancy were true? Does the fact that it’s not mean that the World Wide Web experiment in making information accessible was a failure, and we are more confused and susceptible to conspiracies than ever? Questions for another time. Point is, Zendaya had to take time out of what I assume was a busy day to post on Instagram Stories that people need to stop believing every little thing. 

“See now, this is why I stay off Twitter…Just making stuff up for no reason weekly,” she wrote. 


Zendaya Gives Life Advice to Young Girls


Good on her for using the moment to plug her next movie, though.



Look what you did, Twitter! You went and bothered Zendaya! Go sit in the corner and think about your actions!


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